Family Mini-Session Fundraiser

God has given me an amazing opportunity to go back to Bangkok, Thailand on a mission trip with my church. I am excited to spend my time working with a local college ministry, refugees and supporting the work our church is doing in Bangkok.

For years I have had a hear to serve those overseas and am excited to be able to do that back in the place my family and I lived for 3 years. Bangkok will always have a piece of my heart and I am excited to go back and serve alongside of the other college students from my church.

Over the past few years, God has increased my passion for people people, specifically for students and orphans. I was once an orphan that didn’t have anything. I didn’t know who God was until I was adopted by amazing people that loved the Lord. Because of them, I was introduced to God when I was a little and was surrounded by people that love the Lord and lived for him. I was saved when I was young and believe that God literally took me out of the darkness into the light. God has given me an amazing gift and a truly unique story. My desire is to tell others about what He has done for me and allow him to work through me.

Having lived in and traveled to various parts of the world, God has continued to grow my heart for his people everywhere. He confirmed this big time on my recent trip to India.

About a month ago, I went to India with my dad and it was incredible to see what God was doing there. I worked with the youth ministry and the orphans, and saw God working everywhere. I saw the way the kids got excited when I started talking and how they listened to every word. I saw the next generation chasing God and taking every opportunity they had to learn more and worship more. It challenged me in so many ways and it also scared me. I realize that sometimes that’s how you know God is doing something because you are uncomfortable and scared.

I’ve been praying and asking God, “what next?” and God showed me that Bangkok was next and that I need to go there and share His love with the children in that city.

So, I will be leaving on March 1st with some other college students from my church. The cost of the trip is $1700, which includes my tickets, lodging, meals and expenses.


In order to raise the money, I am going to be offering family photoshoots to those of you who live in the Nashville area.

If you are looking for some cute family photos, just shoot me an email and I will schedule a time with you.

For $100 you will get:

  • 1-3o minute photoshoot

  • 10 edited digital images

  • Full rights to print and post the pics

To schedule your session, email me at

I will be using this money to fund my trip to Bangkok, so if you were thinking of getting some pics made anyway, then this is a fantastic way to do that while partnering with the work I will be doing in Bangkok.


If you aren’t in the Nashville area, but still want to support my trip you can send a check to

Life Point Church

506 Legacy Dr
Smyrna, TN 37167

And put Layla Cevallos Mission trip in the memo line

Also, stay tuned! I’ve got a blog post about my trip to India coming soon!